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France car manufacturers intent to reach Iranian market

France car manufacturers intent to reach Iranian market Investment

IIKSS - Directors of Iran Khodro Industrial Group, known as IKCO, and PSA Peugeot Citroën discussed ways for comprehensive, joint investments, for production and exportations, Mehr News Agency reports.
Hashem Yekke Taz, IKCO CEO and Jean-Christophe Quémard PSA Peugeot Citroën, Operational Director of Middle-East & Africa, discussed cooperation between the two companies.
Quémard emphasized on his company’s willingness to attend Iran’s market which he highlighted as "a window to the region’s market.”
Negotiation frameworks emphasized on equipment of IKCO products with eco-friendly engines. Producing new generations of low-consuming engines was also discussed in the meeting.
PSA Peugeot Citroën is the second largest car company in Europe.
Source: YJC


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