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Minister of Agricultural Jihad to visit Azerbaijan Republic

Minister of Agricultural Jihad to visit Azerbaijan Republic Agriculture

Minister of Agricultural Jihad to visit Azerbaijan Republic

Minister of Agricultural Jihad Mahmoud Hojjati is to depart for Azerbaijan Republic on Sunday on an official visit at the invitation of his Azeri counterpart Haydar Asadov.

In addition to a group of senior officials of the Ministry, around 40 economic activists and heads of agricultural unions are to accompany the minister in the visit.
Bilateral meetings, opening joint meeting of private sectors of the two countries as well as visiting a number of important agricultural projects in the republic are among the goals of the visit.
This is the first visit by an Iranian agricultural minister to Baku in the past 20 years.
Non-oil trade between the two countries stands at 500 million dollars but their overall trade exchanges amount to one billion dollars.


source: irna

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