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Single tariffs to increase competitiveness of Trans-Caspian route

Single tariffs to increase competitiveness of Trans-Caspian route Investment

Single tariffs to increase competitiveness of Trans-Caspian route

The use of single tariffs will increase the competitiveness of the Trans-Caspian international transportation route, Taleh Ziyadov, head of the Baku International Sea Trade Port, told reporters May 24.

The use of single tariffs in cargo transportation from Europe to China and back shows the high competitiveness and operability of the transportation corridor, he said.

Ziyadov noted that each new meeting aimed at increasing the number of countries joining the single tariff policy, is a big step forward.

"I believe that these meetings will be held regularly, every 1.5-2 months and we will see the use of new single tariffs and many countries joining this process," he added.

Ziyadov noted that many countries welcome the use of single tariffs.

The Trans-Caspian International Transportation Route runs through China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine and goes to Europe.

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Ukraine signed a protocol in January to set competitive preferential tariffs for cargo transportation via the Trans-Caspian International Transportation Route. Those tariffs will be used from June 1, 2016.


source: trend

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