Priority issues of the state life are reviewed during the session of the Cabinet of Ministers Political and military events
IIKSS - Forestalling the agenda of the session, the Leader of the Nation, addressing the participants, noted that historical event was held recently in Ashgabat, the Global Sustainable Transport Conference was organized and conducted on high level under the UN aegis. Besides, the first section of the Asian Transnational Transport Corridor – Atamyrat – Ymamnazar – Akina part of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Tajikistan railroad was put into operation. In this regard, the Head of the State expressed sincere gratitude to the heads, leading specialists, representatives of mass media, and all those who took active part in preparation and conduct of those important events.
Going over to the review of the subjects of the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor for report on the situation in the spheres under his supervision to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Hojamammedov. The Vice-premier informed on the measures undertaken for further improvement of activity of the structures under his supervision, support of national economy, establishment of optimum conditions for attraction of the investments.
Summing up the report, the Leader of the Nation noted that successful realization of set plans for social and economic development of the state depends on implementation of modern forms and methods of management into activity of economic enterprises. Having pointed the attention on the necessity of improvement of professional level of the personnel in this sphere, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ya. Kakayev reported on preparation to XXI International Conference and Exhibition “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2016”, which would be held in Ashgabat on December 7 – 9. It is expected that specialists from various countries of the world including representatives of oil and gas companies as well as ministries, international organizations and banks would participate in economic review.
The agenda of the forum will include broad spectrum of subjects related to priority aspects of energy policy of Turkmenistan. Special attention will be paid to diversification of the supplies of Turkmen natural gas to the world markets as well as to construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas main.
Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan mentioned that oil and gas exhibition and conference, which are going to be held in Ashgabat next week, are summoned to demonstrate resource and industrial potential of domestic fuel and energy complex, to promote the activation of beneficial partnership between our country and leading foreign companies, which have advanced technologies.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers R. Bazarov reported on the course of seasonal agricultural works. It was mentioned that currently, the care for winter crops, including vegetation irrigation of the springs, mineral fertilizing and weed control, is carried out. Works for preparation of soil, machinery and equipment to spring sowing campaign are also undertaken.
In the report, the Vice-premier informed on preparation the 69th session of the Interstate Coordination Water Management Commission, which is planned to be held in Ashgabat on December 19. The agenda of the meeting of the heads and specialists of water management of the Central Asia countries – Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, will include wide range of issues of rational use of water resources of the region.
Speaking of the importance and balanced use of transboundary water resources in the Central Asia, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave relative instructions for high organizational level of regular session of the Interstate Coordination Water Management Commission.
After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ereshov reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision, in particular in carpet making industry. The information of the measures, undertaken by the State Association “Turkmenhaly” together with relative ministries and departments for increase of volumes of the wool produced in the country, quality wool products and its export, was given.
In this context, the Vice-premier informed on establishment of production of different types of wool and its processing in our country, measures for use of raw material in full volume, export of wool and wool products as well as on support of private sector in this direction.
Provision of high level of competiveness on local and foreign markets, implementing advanced methods of management, analysing the world macroeconomic state of the market are important tasks of branch departments of carpet making industry, the Leader of the Nation highlighted, having requested to work over the issues related to export of valuable material – the wool and wool products.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Executive Secretary of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the country Sh. Durdylyiev reported on large-scale work expanded for urban planning of Ashgabat. Having summed up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested the Vice-premier to hold under strict control further development of Ashgabat.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Atdayev, who spoke after, reported on the activity of the structures under his supervision as well as on the outcomes of the Day of German Economy held in the capital on the day before.
Having noted the importance of the Days of Turkmenistan Economy in Germany as well as the Days of German Economy in our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that such meetings enhance consolidation of mutually beneficial relations. It is necessary to study in details all proposals given by German partners, the Head of the State said and addressed the Vice-premier with range of specific commissions.
Deputy Chairman of the cabinet of Ministers S.Satlykov reported on the work undertaken for improvement of the activity of the State National Service “Turkmenhowayollary”, consolidation of its facilities and equipment base, introduction of modern technologies and standards to the airports, increase of number of flights and enhancement of profitability of the civil aviation.
It was informed that proposals for service on favourable terms of foreign airlines, which planes land in our country was developed for efficient use of the airports. It will increase the number of foreign carriers in this field.
The work for expansion of the geography of flights from Ashgabat is also carried out. Thus, Ashgabat – Kazan flight will supplement the spectrum of directions of Turkmen airlines soon. The flight will be two times a week.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved the proposals and hailing the opening of new flight, gave instructions for development of air transport in accordance with modern demands, world standards of technical service and quality of service of passengers, high level of safety of the flights.
The Head of the State gave assignment to provide the efficiency of financial and economic activity of domestic aviation complex by well-thought management solutions and production planning based on advanced methods and modern technologies.
The information on preparation to cultural events, planned for December and dedicated to celebration dates and opening of social and cultural facilities, was given in the report of Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mammedova
It was informed that closing ceremony of the events in Dashoguz held according to its status of the cultural capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2016 would be held on December 6 – 7.
Large events are planned to be held in the capital and velayats of the country on Neutrality Day. Flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Neutrality and state concert of the art masters will be held on December 12.
New Year celebration events are planned for the last decade of the month.
Touching upon the subject of preparation of the events of international importance including exhibitions, ceremony of completetion of the mission of Dashoguz as a cultural capital of the CIS in 2016, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of organization on high level.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Toyliyev, speaking on the work in the spheres under his supervision, reported on award of the Youth Prize of Turkmenistan instituted by the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtumguly
The Award ceremony of the winners of the Youth Prize of Turkmenistan and presentation of the gifts on behalf of the Head of the State is planned to be held on December 6.
During the report, the Vice-premier also reported on the medals for winners of the V Asian Indoor and martial Arts Games. It was informed that 2 thousand medals including 583 gold, 583 silver and 834 bronze, are necessary for awards of the athletes in 21 sports included to the programme of the Games. The Executive Committee for preparation to the V Asian Games fulfilled proper work for producing of the medals. In this regards, samples of the medals of 2017 Asian Games of different values were presented to the attention of the Leader of the Nation.
According to the project, the medals of the forthcoming games will be in the shape of multi radial star made of three Oguzkhan stars put on each other. The obverse of the medals will bear the symbol of 2017 Asian Games and relative legend in English while the reverse will hold the emblem of the Asian Olympic Committee and “Ashgabat 2017” sign.
Besides, the information on the Draft Resolution on encouragement of the athletes, who win the Olympics and other prestigious international competitions, as well as their coaches, on approval of relative Provision and award payments was given. This document was developed by the State Committee for Sport together with number of profile ministries and departments according to the request of the President of Turkmenistan.
The Head of the State approved the proposals for medals of the Asian Games 2017 and highlighted that they have to be not only the awards for sport achievements, visual symbol of successes gained by commitment, hard training and willpower but also to save good memories of the Games, which are to be held in hospital Turkmen land.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov, reporting on the activity of foreign policy department of the country, informed on preparation to the events dedicated to the 21st anniversary of the neutrality of Turkmenistan.
In this regards, the plan of the events, timed to this momentous date, was developed. There are International Conference “The Neutrality of Turkmenistan and International Practice: New Grounds of Cooperation in Sustainable Development” and specialized exhibition among them, which will be organized in the Institute of International Relations of the MFA.
Cycle race with participation of the heads of diplomatic mission accredited to our country, students of the Institute of International Relations of the MFA, International University of Humanitarian Sciences and Development, D. Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages is planned for December 4 on occasion of the 21st anniversary of the neutrality of Turkmenistan. Other sport competitions will be also organized in the first decade of December.
Round-table meeting on December 5, organized by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan as well as topical publications in domestic printing media and foreign press, will be dedicated to the holiday
The Head of the State noted that humanitarian ideals of Turkmen people were implemented in permanent neutral status of Turkmenistan and today this legal status serves as important factor of consolidation of peace and stability in regional and global scale and foreign policy strategy of our country gained wide support and recognition of the world community.
Chairperson of the Mejlis A. Nurberdiyeva informed on law making activity of the National Parliament, measurs undertaken for consolidation and development of legal framework of social and economic transformations, support of international initiatives of our country as well as on the work on new laws.
It was mentioned that appropriate measures for activation of international cooperation including inter-Parliamentary multilateral dialog are undertaken for study and implementation of advanced experience and world standards into national law enforcement practice.
Having listened to the information, the Head of the State stressed the attention on priority directions of the Parliament activity, aimed at improvement of political culture in the country, consolidation of civil institutes and adoption of democratic values.
Summing up the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family prosperity and great successes in work to the participants and wellbeing to the people.
Source: State News Agency of Turkmenistan